Another letter from The Bar 717 Big Foot Society showed up in the mail today…

Text of this letter is in an element below.

Maybe Bigfoot is trying to tell us something? A map would certainly be helpful…

Dear Friend of the Bigfoot,

Bigfoot has been sighted many times in Main Camp over the past three days. On Monday morning Bigfoot helped with the chores. They started by feeding the cows, and then scooping poop for the horses. They headed to the Homestead to turn on the sprinklers, and then back to the shop to fix a broken pipe. Finally they milked the goats. On Tuesday Bigfoot had breakfast and then tried out an allemande left. On Wednesday, Bigfoot took a boat ride before hiking up to look for some deer at the highest platform on the ranch. They watched a show, and took rest hour at home, before heading off to dinner. If we could only figure out what type of tree bigfoot prefers to hide behind.

Bigfoot Forever,

The Bar 717 Bigfoot Society

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